How to Configure Expiration Date on Product in Odoo 15 | Odoo 15 Inventory | Enterprise Edition – CBMS Odoo ERP

In many companies, products have expiration dates and they should be managed based on those dates. In the food industry, for example, tracking and managing product stock based on expiration dates is mandatory to avoid selling expired products to customers. With Odoo, you can track and manage your products based on their expiration dates, even […]

How to Configure & Plan Lead Time in Odoo 15 | Odoo 15 Inventory | Enterprise Edition – CBMS Odoo ERP

Lead times are nothing but the time expected to receive, deliver, or manufacture products. One can configure the lead time for purchase, sales, and manufacture. The vendor lead time is the time demanded by the vendor to deliver a product. On the other hand, customer lead time denotes the time needed for delivering products to […]

How to Configure Visibility of Buttons Based on User Groups and States in Odoo – CBMS Odoo ERP

The Button can have group attributes providing a list of groups. If the current user is not in listed groups, he can’t see the button. And the other attribute states. We can provide a list of states. The button will only be visible in that state. #odootutorials #odootechnical videos #Configure #Visibility #Buttons #Based #User #Groups […]

How to Configure Payment Acquirers in Odoo 14 eCommerce Website – CBMS Odoo ERP

In the end, a company is dependent on its revenue generation or return on investment. Purely implying that a business relies entirely on the financial transactions that exist within it. Thus in exchange for the products/services they provide to their customers, every enterprise earns money. The transfers are made much easier and faster in Odoo […]

What is Link Trackers and How to Configure in Odoo 14 eCommerce Website – CBMS Odoo ERP

Link Trackers allow you to track your marketing campaigns (emails, banner ads, blog posts, social media posts, affiliate links, etc.). This way, you are able to identify your best traffic sources and make informed decisions about the distribution of your marketing budget. Configuration Go to Website ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate Link Trackers. #odoo14 […]