How to Activate & Create Purchase Receipts in Odoo 16 Accounting | Odoo 16 Functional Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

Purchase receipts are confirmations of collected payments rather than invoices, like a ticket or a receipt. #odooaccounting When you directly pay for an expense using funds from your organization, you should use this function. #odoo16 In contrast, vendor bills are recorded when you get an invoice and the money is first credited to a debt […]

How to Create Customer Invoice & Payment Management in Odoo 16 Accounting | Odoo Functional Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

To make invoices, transmit them to clients, and handle payments, use the standalone invoicing tool Odoo Invoicing. #odoo16 A feature rich accounting app is Odoo Accounting. With functions like powered invoice identification, synchronization with your bank accounts, intelligent matching suggestions, etc., accountant productivity is at the center of its development. #odooaccounting #odootutorials Connect With Us: […]

What is Sales Receipt? | Odoo 16 Sales | How to Activate & Create Sale Receipts in Odoo 16 – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this video, we will be discussing how to create a sales receipt in Odoo 16. #odoo16 #odoofunctionalvideos #odootutorials The sale receipt can be created by enabling the feature in the configuration settings of the sales module. Creating a sale receipt will not allow the client to create a credit note so the product is […]

How to Create Sequence Numbers in Odoo 16 | Odoo Technical Videos | Odoo Development Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

A sequence is a unique number that helps to differentiate each record. Each record has its own sequence. #odoo16 #odootutorials Video Chapters 00:00 Introduction 01:17 Sequence number 03:41 Create Function 06:46 Sequence Creating In odoo we can see for each sale order, purchase, and invoice they have its own sequence number. so In this video, […]

How to Create a Many2One Field in Odoo 16 | Many2One in Odoo | Odoo 16 Development Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

In odoo Many2one field is used to link the current model to another one. It shows the records of another model and links it with the current child model using a many2one relation. Here it shows how to create a many2one field in odoo 16 #many2one #odoo16 #odoodevelopment Connect With Us: ——– ➡️ Website: ➡️ […]

How to Create a Contact in Odoo 16 Contact App | Odoo 16 Enterprise Edition – CBMS Odoo ERP

This video explains how to create a new contact in the Odoo 16 contact module. #odoo16 The interaction with clients and service providers is rapidly maintained using good contact management. #odootutorials Video Chapters 00:00 Introduction 00:53 Create contact 02:17 Adding multiple addresses 03:27 Sales & purchase tab 05:23 Accounting tab 05:45 Internal notes 05:59 Partner […]

How To Create Pro forma Invoice in Odoo 16 Sales | Odoo 16 Enterprise Edition – CBMS Odoo ERP

This video is about how to create Pro-forma invoices. A Pro-forma invoice is a forecast of the cost of a sale order before it has been paid out. #odoo16sales #odootutorials This specifies a seller’s promise to produce the products or services as informed to the customer at a particular price. #odoo16sales Video Chapters 00:00 Introduction […]