In Odoo, lots and serial numbers have similarities in their functional system but are different in their behavior. They are both managed within the Inventory, Purchases, and Sales app. Lots correspond to a certain number of products you received and store altogether in one single pack. Lots will help identify a number of pieces having […]
Batch picking is the process of selecting a group of products for meeting the requirement of the order. The order can be in small batches or large batches. An ERP enables the user to automate batch picking following a group of set guidelines. Batch picking is done from a group of products produced in the […]
In Odoo, you have the possibility to deliver your products in different packages, Depending on the volume and or weight of your products. First, you need to activate the Delivery Packages feature in the Inventory Application. For that Go to Apps ‣ After removing the Apps filter install the module ‘Delivery Costs’. Now, you can […]
Odoo POS Order ‘Notes’ feature facilitates the user to add order notes to individual order lines and it can be printed on receipt too if desired. Customers can easily see notes on their screen, receipt, and pos order line. The seller can print the order note on the receipt if desired. The order note feature […]
Lots corresponding to a certain number of products you receive and store altogether in a single pack. It is better to manage such bulky products as a whole and Serial numbers are basically given to those items that could require after-sales services, such as smartphones, laptops, fridges, and any electronic devices. Lots are basically given […]
To add payment methods in POS, you first need to create them. Go to Point of Sale ‣ Configuration ‣ Payment Methods and click on create. Then, you can name your payment method and set it up. Now, you can select the payment method in your PoS settings. To do so, go to Point of […]
Tips are a gesture of gratitude and customer satisfaction. In several businesses, customers often give tips to the people who served them. Sometimes the Tips will be great in value and we need to manage them properly. We can manage the tips given by customers effectively in Odoo POS. In Odoo the tips are managed […]
Deferred expenses and prepayments (also known as a prepaid expense), are both costs that have already occurred for unconsumed products or services yet to receive. Such costs are assets for the company that pays them since it already paid for products and services still to receive or that are yet to be used. The company […]
Upon setting cash control, the options end of the session and open a session is made available or displayed. It simply denotes that upon enabling the setting, we get to see a new stage and a button-open session in the stage. Upon starting the new session, the session will be in progress and we can […]
Loyalty programs are one of the most sought business techniques by retailers today. It includes giving off certain rewards and other attractive discount offers to their loyal customers. The central idea is to retain the customers and make them indulge in impulsive purchases. The operations are just basic once the programs are defined with the […]