Filters in Odoo 18 Spreadsheets | Odoo 18 Spreadsheets | Odoo 18 New Features | Odoo 18 Release Date – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 18 offers a robust spreadsheet feature that allows you to manage and analyze data effectively. One of its powerful functionalities is filtering. This guide will walk you through the steps to filter your Odoo 18 spreadsheets efficiently. Basic Filtering – Open the Spreadsheet: Navigate to the desired spreadsheet within your Odoo instance. – Select […]

SQL Constraints in Odoo 17 | What is SQL Constraints in Odoo? | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo 17, SQL constraints are used to enforce data integrity rules at the database level. These constraints ensure that the data stored in the database meets certain criteria or conditions. SQL constraints are defined within the Python models of an Odoo module and are then translated into corresponding SQL constraints when the module is […]