When our business expands, keeping track of the demands and serving clients becomes more and more difficult. More customers experience greater profit, but maintaining relationships with each one becomes extremely difficult. In increasing customer loyalty and maximizing company performance, successful customer engagement plays a crucial role. In every company enterprise, a well-structured ERP will reinforce […]
An informative and planning calendar will provide the companies to have effective schedule management and planning to be done effectively in the various aspects of company operations. The Odoo platform has allocated separate calendars module which allows the users to plan the activities, schedule meetings, task, and operational aspects allowing the users to manage monitor […]
This is the latest feature in odoo 14 where users can view the dashboard for the purchase module. When you open the purchase module above the list view of purchase orders and quotations you can see a dashboard with a lot of details including the status of all RFQ’s and my RFQ’s with a count […]
Manufacturing a product involves so many processes including identifying the raw materials to build the product, setting a workstation for processing the raw materials, tracing the product movement, managing by product variants, etc. Improper management of these factors creates manufacturing delays and delayed production may even root for cancellation of the order and thereby financial […]
In inventory management, the supply chain strategy determines when products should be fabricated, delivered to distribution centers, and made available in the retail channel. This kind of strategic process can be configured using Routes, featuring Pull and Push Rules. Once everything is properly configured, the inventory app can automatically generate transfers following the instructions given […]
Lead times are nothing but the time expected to receive, deliver, or manufacture products. One can configure the lead time for purchase, sales, and manufacture. The vendor lead time is the time demanded by the vendor to deliver a product. On the other hand, customer lead time denotes the time needed for delivering products to […]
A good warehouse implementation takes care that products automatically move to their appropriate destination location. To make that process easier, Odoo uses Putaway rules. These are the rules of actions that have been described in the Odoo platform which will be used at the time of the purchase and incoming shipment of the products. It […]
This video explains How to create a Purchase Order in Odoo 14 Community. For most of your everyday purchases, chances are you already know where to purchase and at what price. For these cases, a simple Purchase Order (PO) will allow you to handle the whole process. The PO will generate an invoice, and depending […]
Cash rounding is a process used in calculation when money in the low denomination is involved in a transaction. Sometimes, transactions become impractical when the denomination is very low. This could be either due to the unavailability of the coins to transact the exact amount. In such cases, every business firm depends on cash rounding. […]