In this video we will be discussing on Odoo 16, you can make a field invisible by using the “invisible” attribute in the field definition. #odoo16 This attribute can be set to either True or False, depending on whether you want the field to be visible or invisible. #odootutorials To make a field invisible, follow […]
The Button can have group attributes providing a list of groups. If the current user is not in listed groups, he can’t see the button. And the other attribute states. We can provide a list of states. The button will only be visible in that state. #odootutorials #odootechnical videos #Configure #Visibility #Buttons #Based #User #Groups […]
In this video, we will discuss how to perform date period calculations using the date utils. #Odoo #Odoo14 #OdooTechnical #Odoo14Technical #Time #Period #Calculations #Based #Date #Type #Fields
In some conditions we want to get the number of records based on it. In Odoo there is a search_count ORM method that returns the number of records based on the provided domain. Here in this video, describes how to get the number of records using search_count method by the given conditions #ormmethods #odooorm #odootutorials […]
In Odoo sometimes we may need to differentiate records based on some factors. We have seen the feature in some modules, for instance, in the tree view, the records are separated with different colors. Furthermore, based on the conditions the records are displayed in different colors. Therefore, it becomes highly helpful to find and identify […]