Inventory valuation refers to how you value your stock. It’s a very important aspect of a business as inventory can be the biggest asset of a company. An inventory valuation of a company helps to know the monetary value for items in their inventory. To ensure reliable financial records on inventory reports, careful calculation of […]
This video explains how sales teams are created in Odoo 15 and the generated leads/opportunities are assigned to a sales team. When you expand the business you will find that you need additional people to manage specialists’ jobs and it’s challenging to manage salespersons. Odoo allows us to create and manage sales teams. A sales […]
A well-structured sales pipeline is crucial in order to keep control of your sales process and to have a 360-degrees view of your leads, opportunities, and customers.#odoo15crm The CRM sales pipeline is a visual representation of your CRM sales process, from the first contact to the final sale. It refers to the process by which […]
In this video, we will discuss how to convert your leads to business opportunities in Odoo 15. #odoo15crm In Customer Relationship Management opportunity management is the key to success. We can create an opportunity once we start a sale deal discussion with a customer. The stage changes when our discussion progresses and we can say […]
This video explains how to create a lead in Odoo 15 CRM. The first step to a potential business deal is a guide that can be described as a lead when a customer makes an inquiry about the services or goods that the company offers. #odoo15crm These leads can be transformed into a business opportunity […]
This video explains how to configure Storage Categories in Odoo 15 to group different storage locations together by setting some conditions and making smart decisions for storing products in your warehouse. When you receive products, the system will consider multiple locations as potential storage locations. So the system has to decide which is the most […]
Odoo 15 is now up with a new feature added in Inventory Management to view and allocate received quantities. We can also automatically view this reception report when a receipt is validated. #odoo #odoo15 #odoofunctional #odootutorials #cybrosys #cybrosystutorials #Reception #Report #Odoo #Odoo #Inventory #Enterprise #Edition
In inventory management, the supply chain strategy determines when products should be fabricated, delivered to distribution centers, and made available in the retail channel. #odoo15inventory This kind of strategic process can be configured using Routes, featuring Pull and Push Rules. Once everything is properly configured, the inventory app can automatically generate transfers following the instructions […]
This video explains how to configure operations types in Odoo 15 Inventory management. Operation Types helps you to know about the type of operations done in an organization such as internal transfers, delivery orders, receipts, etc. It is listed in your Inventory Dashboard and one can create custom operations types from the configuration. How to […]
In this video, we are discussing about how to add a chatter to a form view in odoo 14. Chatters can be used for recording the changes which are made in that form view otherwise chatter keeps the history of the logs which includes the user who made the changes along with the time information. […]