Automatic Reordering Rule in Odoo 17 Inventory | Odoo 17 Inventory Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo’s automatic reordering rule helps manage inventory levels by automatically generating purchase or manufacturing orders when stock dips below a certain point. Here’s a breakdown of how it works: Setting Up the Rule: Configure the product: Navigate to the product you want the rule for in the Inventory app. Enable Reordering Rules: Look for the “Reordering Rules” […]

Reordering Rule in Odoo | Odoo 15 Inventory | Enterprise Edition | Odoo 15 Reordering rule – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo Reordering rule make sure that the product never runs out of stock by maintaining a minimum quantity.#odoo15inventory Using this rule we can replenish the stock when it reaches a minimum stock level. Go to Products – Open the configuration page of a storable product: First, make sure that a vendor is set for […]