This video explains the Product categories of Odoo 16. Product category management helps the business to categorize the products in an effective way. #odoofunctionalvideos This feature is significant for inventory management and business operations. Odoo offers this feature in a refined format. #odoo16 In Odoo 16 inventory product categories can be configured with ease. The categories […]
Offering discounts is essential for retaining important client attention in your organization and significantly increasing your income. The global discounts feature in Odoo 16 point of sale enables users can apply a discount on the total amount. It can be fixed as a default percentage in the POS settings. It also can be changed to […]
In some cases, you may want to inform the user and interrupt the program with an error message. #odooerrors #odoo16 VIdoe Chapters 00:00 Introduction 01:40 ValidationError 03:11 UserError 03:56 AccessError There are different type of exceptions that helps with this. They are ValidationError, UserError., AccessError, AccessDenied, etc… #odoodevelopment Here this video shows how to raise […]
Customer relationship management is a vital part of any business nowadays where companies are trying new marketing methodologies and promotions to attract more customers. #odoocrm The company’s customer relationship management tools will do exactly that, helping your executives to be more attentive in business opportunity generation and sourcing leads from various areas of business. #crm […]
This module explains the Contacts module in Odoo 16. Contact management is essential for any organization or business venture. #odoo16 #odoofunctionalvideos Managing contact with customers, vendors, sub-contractors and many other categories of people will be required to ensure the smooth operation of a business. With Odoo support we ease the contact management operation. Odoo 16 […]
In this video we will be discussing on the sub-task management with the Odoo 16 project module. #odoo16 Time Stamp: 00:00 Introduction 00:23 Enabling the Feature From the Configuration Settings 01:03 Creating a New Project 01:55 Creating Sub-task The odoo 16 has a feature where we can create a sub-task for the project so that […]
Odoo 16 introduces various new features in each module, which enhances the process functionalities in different area. #odoo16 Slides: Video Chapters 0:00 Introduction 3:15 New Features in Odoo 16 Sales Module A. 4:40 Discounts & Loyalty in Odoo 16 B. 17:12 Gift Cards & E-wallets in Odoo 16 C. 23:03 Applying Incoterms in Odoo 16 […]
In this video, we will be discussing how we can sell products online with the tax included and excluded price in #odoo16 Odoo 16 has a feature where the products can be sold on the website of the company according to the business. #odoowebsite According to the business needs odoo16 helps to display the products […]
In Odoo, the shipping and picking policies are part of the inventory management system and they are used to define how products are picked and shipped to customers. #odooinventory #odoo16 Two picking policies are: a) Ship products as soon as available, with backorders b) Ship all products at once Shipping policy outlines the rules and […]
This video explains the call for tender. The call for a tender type of purchase agreement will allow the user to define the terms and conditions of the purchase expected, the products allocated and the financial aspects involved. #odoo16purchase Video Chapters 00:00 Introduction 00:10 Enable Purchase agreement in configuration settings 01:10 Create RFQ 01:15 Call […]