How to Create an App Using Odoo 17 Studio | Customize App Using Odoo 17 Studio | Odoo 17 Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 17 Studio empowers you to transform your business needs into custom applications without extensive coding knowledge. This guide unlocks the potential of Studio, taking you through the exciting process of creating your app in Odoo 17. Getting Started: Activate Studio: Within your Odoo 17 instance, navigate to the top right corner and click the […]

How to Create a Sequence Number in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Technical Videos | Odoo 17 Development Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo, a sequence number serves as a unique identifier for records within specific models, ensuring each entry is distinct and sequentially ordered. This tutorial explores the creation and customization of sequence numbers in Odoo 17, focusing on their application in sales orders, purchases, and invoices. Discover how to personalize sequences with options like prefixing, […]

How to Create a Basic Module in Odoo 17 | Creating a Basic Module | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo is a powerful and flexible open-source software platform that allows you to extend and customize its functionality through the creation of modules. A module in Odoo is a collection of files that encapsulate a specific set of features, data models, or modifications to the core system. Creating a basic module involves setting up the […]

How to Set Default Value for a Field Using Function in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo 17, the ability to set default values for fields dynamically using functions is a powerful feature that enhances flexibility and customization options within the system. Unlike static default values, which remain constant regardless of circumstances, dynamic defaults enable developers to define default values based on specific conditions or calculations.To implement dynamic default values, […]

How to Add a Domain for a Field in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Development Tutorial | Odoo 17 Technical Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo 17, domains for fields act as powerful tools for filtering records displayed or permitted within a particular field based on specific criteria. This capability aids in refining selections and streamlining options for users, enhancing the overall user experience and efficiency. Domains enable the definition of rules that restrict the data visible or selectable […]

How to Load Custom Field to POS in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials | Odoo 17 POS Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo, a common requirement is to add custom fields to various models like products, customers, or orders. When integrating these custom fields into the Point of Sale (POS) module, it’s crucial to ensure they are properly loaded and utilized within the POS interface. Odoo offers several methods for loading data into the POS module, […]

How To Update One2many Field From OnChange of Field in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo, A One2many field signifies a one-to-many relationship between two models, allowing one model to have multiple related records from another model. The onChange method triggers actions when a field’s value changes, commonly used to update other fields. To update a One2many field from another field’s onChange method in Odoo, declare the One2many field to […]

How to Make a Field Storable in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Technical Videos | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo 17, to make a field storable, set store=True when defining it. By default, fields are storable unless set to store=False. Storable fields ensure data persistence across sessions and server restarts, crucial for maintaining data integrity and retrieval. However, computed or related fields are not stored by default (store=False) unless explicitly specified as store=True. […]