How to Configure Split & Merge Manufacturing Orders in Odoo 17 Manufacturing App | Odoo 17 Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

There are several reasons why splitting and merging manufacturing orders might be useful in Odoo: Splitting Manufacturing Orders: Production Flexibility: Imagine you have a large order for a product, but some of the materials needed for a smaller portion are readily available. Splitting the order allows you to prioritize production of the available portion, fulfilling […]

How to Configure Subcontracting in Odoo 17 Manufacturing App | Odoo 17 Functional Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In manufacturing, subcontracting is the process of a company engaging a third-party manufacturer, or subcontractor, to manufacture products that are then sold by the contracting company. In basic subcontracting, the subcontractor is responsible for acquiring the necessary components. This means that the contracting company only has to worry about what happens to subcontracted products once […]