Business Flow: Subscriptions as an Online Business – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this video, learn how to sell online subscriptions using Odoo! Follow along as we walk through Tecpro’s business flow on Odoo’s Subscription, Sales, Website, Timesheet, and Project apps.  **Check out more Odoo tutorials** – Subscription basics:  – Subscription playlist:  – Website playlist:  -Project playlist:  **App documentation** – All Subscriptions docs:  **See what Odoo can do for […]

Business Flow: eLearning – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this video, learn how Big Berkeley’s Bakery uses Odoo to publish and sell top-notch eLearning courses. We will use the Website, eCommerce, and eLearning Applications. In addition, we will also touch upon the Sales app, and even the Survey & Email Marketing modules. 0:00 – Intro 1:09 – Build eLearning course on Website 10:13 – Create Certification […]

Business Flow: eLearning – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this video, learn how Big Berkeley’s Bakery uses Odoo to publish and sell top-notch eLearning courses. We will use the Website, eCommerce, and eLearning Applications. In addition, we will also touch upon the Sales app, and even the Survey & Email Marketing modules. **Check out more Odoo tutorials** – 1.m Business Flow: Restaurant’ – 1.j Business Flow: […]

Odoo 18 Improved Dashboard App | Odoo 18 Dashboard | Odoo 18 New Features | Odoo 18 Release Date – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 18 has introduced significant enhancements to the dashboard app, making it more versatile, customizable, and user-friendly. Here are some of the key improvements: 1. Enhanced Customization: Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Users can now easily rearrange dashboard components using a simple drag-and-drop interface, allowing for greater flexibility in layout customization. Configurable Widgets: A wider range of widgets […]