How to Manage Empty Location in Odoo 18 Inventory | How to Filter Zero Stock in Odoo 18 | Odoo 18 – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo’s “Empty Location” is a special location that can be used to represent various scenarios where a physical location is not applicable or desired. It’s a versatile tool that can be used in different contexts within your Odoo system. 1. Products without a Physical Location: Virtual Products: If you sell digital products or services that […]

How to Import Images in Odoo 18 | Import Product Images in Odoo 18 | Odoo 18 New Features | Odoo 18 – CBMS Odoo ERP

To import data into Odoo, you can follow these general steps: 1. Prepare Your Data: – Format: Ensure your data is in a compatible format like CSV, XLSX, or XML. – Structure: Make sure the data is structured correctly, with headers that match the relevant fields in Odoo. – Cleaning: Clean your data to remove […]

How to Translate Odoo 18 Website in Any Language with AI | Translation with AI in Odoo 18 Website – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 18 offers a robust translation framework that leverages AI to enhance the translation process. Here are the key features and functionalities: Translation Management: Centralized Translation Platform: Odoo provides a centralized platform where you can manage all your translations, including creating new translations, reviewing existing ones, and assigning tasks to translators. Translation Workflow: You can […]

How to Publish Job Position on Third-Party Job Board in Odoo 18 Recruitment | Odoo 18 New Features – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo Recruitment, all job positions are shown on the default dashboard in the Recruitment app. This includes positions that are being actively recruited for, as well as inactive positions. Each job position is shown in an individual Kanban card. If the job position is active, and candidates can apply, a Published banner appears in the top-right corner of the […]

Revamp in Odoo 18 Document | Odoo 18 New Features | Odoo 18 Release Date | Odoo 18 Document App – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 18’s Document module, or Document Management, is a powerful tool for managing and organizing various types of documents within your business. It provides a centralized platform for storing, categorizing, sharing, and tracking documents of different formats, such as PDFs, Word documents, images, and more. For streamlined operations, such as approval processes – Document Storage: […]

Drag & Drop Attachments for Importing in Odoo 18 | Odoo 18 New Features | Odoo 18 Release Date – CBMS Odoo ERP

The process of dragging and dropping attachments for importing in Odoo 18 is relatively straightforward. Here are the general steps involved: 1. Open the Odoo module where you want to import the attachments. This could be any module that supports file uploads, such as Sales, Purchase, or Inventory. 2. Navigate to the specific record where […]

How to Install Odoo 18 with Pycharm | Setup Odoo 18 Development Environment Using Pycharm in Ubuntu – CBMS Odoo ERP

How to Setup Odoo 18 Development Environment Using Pycharm in Ubuntu 22.04 Step 1: Download and install the Pycharm IDE PyCharm Community Edition Download sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get upgrade sudo snap install pycharm-community –classic Step 2: Installing Python 3.12 To add the deadsnakes repository, use the following commands: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa  sudo apt-get update […]

Revamp in Odoo 18 Debug | Odoo 18 New Features | Odoo 18 Release Date | Odoo 18 Debug Mode – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 18 offers a revamped Debug mode that provides enhanced features and tools for developers to efficiently identify and fix issues within their Odoo applications. Here’s a breakdown of the key improvements and functionalities: 1. Enhanced Debugger: – Step-by-Step Execution: Navigate through your code line by line, examining variable values and function calls at each […]