Learn everything you need to grow your business with Odoo, the best open-source management software to run a company, at In this video, learn how to add a second Point of Sale, and set it up to generate clear accounting reports. Need more information about Odoo apps? Discover Odoo, schedule a demo, or start your […]
Odoo platform offers the option to manage orders in the PoS module where the users can return products, exchange orders, and create refunds. #odoo15pos #odoopos #odoo15enterprise #odoo15functional #pointofsale This video explains how to exchange orders and refund in Odoo 15 POS #odoo15functionalvideos #odoo15videos #odooposrfund #odoorefundprocess #posrefundodoo #exchangeorderodoo #odoo15refund Connect With Us: ———————— ➡️Website: ➡️Email: info@cybrosys.com […]
POS Categories are different from the regular categories in Odoo, as well as the eCommerce categories. #odoo15pos #odoo15enterprise #odoo15functional #odoo15pointofsale #odooposcategories This video explains how to manage Product Categories for the Point of Sale application in Odoo 15. #odoo15videos #odoofucntionalvideos #odooproductcategories #posproductcategory #managingproductcategory Connect With Us: ———————— ➡️Website: ➡️Email: info@cybrosys.com ➡️Twitter: ➡️LinkedIn: ➡️Facebook: ➡️Instagram: ➡️Pinterest: […]
Odoo 15 PoS module is filled with advanced features and tools for generating maximum efficiency in business management. The module allows you to manage and view your shops and restaurants worldwide with a simple click. The PoS module allows you to manage and give promotion programs for your customers to generate more attraction and attention […]
In Odoo from 14 onward, a feature is been added under PoS settings for Inventory Management that helps to understand how the stock is being updated. Stock is updated in 2 ways: 1. At the session closing: Stock is updated after the session is closed and posted. 2. In real-time: Stock updates once the PoS […]
In Odoo, Fiscal Positions let you apply different taxes based on the customer location. In a Point of Sale, such as a restaurant, it can be used to apply different taxes depending if the customer eats in or takes away. To enable this feature, go to Point of Sale ‣ Configuration ‣ Point of Sale […]
Odoo PoS module allows you to control and manage multiple Cashiers effortlessly. This feature allows you to keep track of your employees and will let you know who is working along with the time shifts and how much each cashier has earned. It is easy to set this feature in the PoS module. Directly selecting […]
By offering discounts, you can entice your customers and drastically increase your revenue. It is vital to offer discounts, whether they are time-limited, seasonal, or manually given. #odoofunctionalvideos To manage discounts, Odoo has powerful features that help set up a pricing strategy tailored to every business. #odoovideos Connect With Us: ———————— ➡️Website: ➡️Email: info@cybrosys.com ➡️Twitter: […]
Odoo 15 POS is up with a new feature to limit the loading of partners and products when opening a session. This feature is really helpful as it speeds up opening a session with necessary data. Go to your POS Settings To limit the number of customers at the opening of the PoS enable ‘Limited […]
Managing customers is crucial for any business. This video explains how can we manage customers and track the payments due in Odoo 15 Point of Sale. Go to Orders – Customers. There you can view all customers for your POS. To create a new customer click on create button, which opens a form to create […]