Every business is related to at least one product. In marketing terms “A product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. #odoo15 Every bit of information about a product is stored in the system for better product management. In Odoo most of the modules including Inventory, […]
An important part of every business is the preparation and maintenance of a price list. Odoo 15 has developed an impressive price list feature that is sure to help a business to survive in the competitive market. Video Content: 0:00 – Introduction to Sales Pricelists in Odoo 0:39 – How to create Sales Pricelists in […]
Odoo has an excellent feature to set an informative or blocking warning on every customer or product. To set these alerts on products, partners, or customers we can go to Configuration – Settings of Sales and mark the option of “Sale Warnings”. #odoo15sales Video Content: 0:00 – Introduction 0:16 – How to Activate Sale Warnings […]
This video explains ‘How to Schedule Activities in Odoo 15’. Planning activities are the perfect way to keep on track with your work. Get reminded of what needs to be done and schedule the next activities to undertake. Video Content: 0:00 – Introduction to Activity Scheduling in Odoo 15 0:46 – Schedule activities in Odoo […]
Creating sales quotations and sales invoices is easy on Odoo 13, Enjoy the video by one of our Admin staff. Growth Stack Nigeria is the best software company in Abuja & Lagos Nigeria. Visit our website for more videos www.growthstack.gs If you need further assistance, call us on 09134981618 for free phone support. We are […]
There are numerous types of taxes, and their application varies greatly, depending mostly on your company’s localization. Tax can be set for a company, product, and account. Most of your country’s taxes are already pre-configured on your database when you install the fiscal localization. To edit or create a new Tax, go to Accounting – […]
A sale order comes to Order to upsell only if one creates the invoice according to the ordered quantity and the delivered quantity is greater than the invoiced quantity. If we go through particular product details, in the invoice tab of that product we can see an option called Invoicing policy. There we can see […]
This video explains ‘How to Create Activity Types in Odoo14 Community’. When you plan activities you minimize the risk of uncertainties, as you provide clear directions for the course of your next action. In addition to that, you do not leave space for wasteful activities and reduce the chance of having overlapping actions between team […]
This video explains how to generate sales details in Odoo 14 POS Community. All you need to do is go to the reporting tab under Odoo POS and select the option – sales details. Upon clicking you are navigated to a new window where you can add the start date and the end date for […]
This video describes how you can import Pricelists in Odoo14. You can import Pricelists data using either Excel (.xlsx) or CSV (.csv) formats. First Go to Sales – Products – Pricelists and from the view select a few records and come under action – click Export. Now you can see a window where we can […]