In Odoo, you can count records using the search_count method on an Odoo model. This method returns the number of records that match a given domain (filter). search_count is used to count records based on certain conditions and is commonly used when you need to know how many records match a set of criteria without […]
The search_count() method returns the number of records matching the search domain. This method accepts a search domain as its argument.Syntax: Model.search_count(args)? int #odoo16 #odootutorials Eg: self.search_count([(‘product_tmpl_id’, ‘=’,,(‘active’, ‘=’, True), ])This returns the set of records satisfying the domain conditions given as the arguments inside the model. #odoodevelopment #odoo #odoobeginers Connect With Us: ————————————— […]
Rather than retrieve a possibly gigantic list of records and count them, search_count() can be used to retrieve only the number of records matching the query. It takes the same domain filter as search() and no other parameter. url = ” db = ‘test_local_enterprise_db’ username = ’14’ password = ’14’ import xmlrpc.client common = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(‘{}/xmlrpc/2/common’.format(url)) […]