In a business application such as Odoo, one of the first questions to consider is who can access the data. #odoodevelopment #odootutorials #odoo17 Odoo provides a security mechanism to allow access to the data for specific groups of users. #odoo Connect With Us: ————————————— ➡️ Website: ➡️ Email: ➡️ Twitter: ➡️ LinkedIn: ➡️ Facebook: […]
This video describes record rules in Odoo 17 and how to create record rules in Odoo 17 In business, there are different types of records. And it is essential to provide proper security for those records. In Odoo this is managed using Record Rules. #Odoo17 #OdooTips #OdooCommunity #odootutorials #odoo17features #odoo17release #RecordRules #SecurityInOdoo #DevelopmentTutorials #BusinessSuccess #OdooDevelopment […]
In business, there are different types of records. And it is essential to provide proper security for those records. #securityinodoo15 In Odoo, there are also some security rules. The rules define who can access the following objects. In record rules, we describe some conditions for certain operations. #odoo15developmentvideos #odoo15videos Video Contents ————————- 0:00 Introduction 0:36 […]
In this video, the area is covered in Odoo security and is called record rule. Record rules restrict access rights to a subset of records. Records rules for the objects can determine who can access the object according to the rules set. One can manage rules based on access modes for the object. Video Contents […]
Record rules are conditions that records must satisfy for an operation (create, read, update or delete) to be allowed. It is applied record-by-record after access control has been applied. by using the record rule we can control access to some specific records in that modules in space of control all the records but only for […]