In Odoo toggle buttons are commonly used in user interfaces to allow users to switch between two states or values.They are often utilized to represent boolean fields. #odootutorials Boolean fields in Odoo represent data that can be either true or false, yes or no, on or off,active or inactive. #odoo17 #odoodevelopment These fields are typically […]
This feature would allow you customize button and set server action using studio module #odoo16 #odoodevelopment #odootutorials Connect With Us: ————————————— ➡️ Website: ➡️ Email: ➡️ Twitter: ➡️ LinkedIn: ➡️ Facebook: ➡️ Instagram: ➡️ Pinterest: #Create #Customize #Button #Odoo #Create #Custom #Button #Odoo
In Odoo 16, you can trigger functions on button click by defining a method in your model and linking it to the button in your view. This allows you to execute custom logic when a user clicks a button in the user interface. #odoodevelopment #odootutorials To trigger a function on button click, follow these steps: […]