How to Manage Deferred Expenses in Odoo 17 Accounting App | Odoo 17 Functional Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo accounting, deferred expenses, also known as prepaid expenses, represent costs your company has already paid for but hasn’t consumed the benefits of yet. These are recorded as assets on the balance sheet until they are gradually recognized as expenses over the periods they benefit. Here’s a breakdown of how it works: Concept: A […]

How to Manage Compare Price in Odoo 17 Website App | Comparison Price/Strikethrough Price in Odoo 17 – CBMS Odoo ERP

“Compare to” Pricing: This method lets you display a higher “compare to” price alongside your actual selling price. This can be a persuasive tactic, making your product seem like a better deal. Here’s how to set it up: Activate the Feature: Go to Website — Configuration — Settings and navigate to the Shop – Products […]

How to Create Filters in Odoo 17 | How to Add a Filter in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Development Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Search filters in Odoo 17 serve as a comprehensive toolkit, offering users many options to navigate and analyze their data effectively. These filters empower users to fine-tune their search criteria precisely, allowing them to specify the exact attributes and conditions needed to retrieve relevant records. Whether users are searching through lists, forms, or kanban boards, […]

How to Manage Access Rights & User Types in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Inventory | Odoo 17 Functional Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo 17’s inventory management system offers granular control over user access through its access rights functionalities. This ensures that users can only view, edit, or create specific inventory data based on their roles and responsibilities within the organization. Understanding Access Levels: Odoo User Groups: The foundation of access control lies in user groups. Each user belongs […]

How to Render Data to the Browser in Odoo 17 | Render Data to the Browser | Odoo 17 Technical Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

This video covers the case of how we can pass the data to the browser, which can be done with the help of controllers. Controllers serve as intermediaries between the front-end of a web application and its back-end. They interpret requests made by the browser and determine how to respond, often by retrieving data from a […]

How to Automatically Create New Expenses From an Email in Odoo 17 | Odoo 17 Functional Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo can automatically generate expenses from emails to streamline the expense reporting process. This feature is particularly useful for: Employees without access to the Expense module: If an employee doesn’t have permission to use the Odoo Expense app directly, they can submit expenses by forwarding receipts or expense details via email. Improved Efficiency: Even for […]

How to Add New Custom Addons Path in Odoo 17 | Configure Custom Addons Path | Odoo 17 Development – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo, the addons path specifies the directories where the system searches for modules (addons) to load. While Odoo typically looks for addons in predefined paths specified in the configuration file (odoo.conf) by default, there are situations where you may need to include additional directories containing custom addons. This flexibility allows for better organization and […]