Odoo Inventory Setup | Inventory Warehouse Management System | Odoo 16 Inventory Management Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo is one of the best Inventory management tools that can be accessed without investing much in implementation, customization, or integration, which can guarantee growth to the business. #odoo16 Odoo Inventory Setup: The Odoo inventory module has been developed to suit all business organizations and industries. Business groups can use this tool despite the size […]

How to Show Warning/Error Messages in Odoo 16 | Odoo Development Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

In Odoo error/warning messages are used to prevent the execution of a running program. This video discusses how to show an error or warning message in Odoo16. In Odoo there are different types of exceptions. Some of them are Validation Error Access Denied Access Error User Error #odoodevelopment #odoodeveloper #odooerrors Connect With Us: —————— ➡️ […]

How to Create Sequence Numbers in Odoo 16 | Odoo Technical Videos | Odoo Development Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

A sequence is a unique number that helps to differentiate each record. Each record has its own sequence. #odoo16 #odootutorials Video Chapters 00:00 Introduction 01:17 Sequence number 03:41 Create Function 06:46 Sequence Creating In odoo we can see for each sale order, purchase, and invoice they have its own sequence number. so In this video, […]

Model Inheritance in Odoo 16 | Odoo 16 Development Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

In many situations, we need to inherit the models to achieve some cases. Odoo mainly has 3 types of inheritance classical, traditional, and delegation. #odoo16 #odoodevelopment Video Chapter 00:00 Model Inheritance 00:43 Inherit the sale.order Here this video, explains how can inherit a model and extend the current functionality in Odoo 16. Connect With Us: […]

How to Create a Many2One Field in Odoo 16 | Many2One in Odoo | Odoo 16 Development Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

In odoo Many2one field is used to link the current model to another one. It shows the records of another model and links it with the current child model using a many2one relation. Here it shows how to create a many2one field in odoo 16 #many2one #odoo16 #odoodevelopment Connect With Us: ——– ➡️ Website: ➡️ […]

Building a Website for the Browser in Odoo | Odoo 16 Development Tutorial – CBMS Odoo ERP

In this Video, it discusses about how to pass data to the browser on the Odoo 16 Website. Controllers help to configure frontend models and also help to interpret browser requests & send data back. #odoo16 #odoodevelopment #odootutorials Connect With Us: ———— ➡️Website: ➡️Email: info@cybrosys.com ➡️Twitter: ➡️LinkedIn: ➡️Facebook: ➡️Instagram: ➡️Pinterest: #Building #Website #Browser #Odoo #Odoo […]