Odoo api.onchange decorator is used to invoke a method when a field’s value changed. It can be used to validate the data or to trigger an action. Video Contents 00:15 Introduction 00:45 Define an onchange function The function of this decorator will be called when the field value changes. Moreover, it supports only single field […]
Sometimes we need to do some test runs on existing data. But that may not affect the existing data too. #odoodevelopmentvideos #odoo15tutorials Video Contents ————————- 00:00 Introduction 00:10 Logout from Odoo 00:20 Odoo Database Manager 00:25 Taking Duplicate 00:50 Checking the Duplicated Database #odoo15technicalvideos In such cases, we can use database duplication and experiments on […]
Data cleaning is an essential tool that should be needed for a business organization for proper data cleaning and also it is necessary to make or break a project. #odoo15enterprise #odoodatacleaning Video Contents ————————- 00:00 Introduction 00:48 Goes to module 01:12 Goes to the configuration 01:54 Deduplication 05:39 Field cleaning #odoo15functionalvideos It plays a vital […]
This video details about Odoo 15 Dashboard module. A dashboard is defined as a decisive menu, where all the information regarding the company operation is shown under one screen and can add customized menus from different modules providing one complete insight into the company operations by looking at their menu. #odoo15dashboard #odoo15functionalvideos Video Contents ————————- […]
Help is tooltip text shown when you hover the pointer over the field, and it allows you to override the help text provided by the model definition.in this video, we discuss how to add a tooltip to fields. Video Contents ————————- 00:00 Introduction 00:39 Providing help text for a field #odoo15videos #odoo15developmentvideos #odootutorials Connect With […]
In this video, it explains about how to add new states to an existing state field #odoo15technicalvideos #odoo15videos Video Contents 00:00 Introduction 01:02 Adding new state In odoo, States represent to check current status or workflow of the record. Most of the modules and custom addons use this state field in order to check its […]
We all know that views are describing the records to users. Without a proper view, the user can’t get the information correctly. Odoo has several view types such as form, tree, kanban, graph, pivot, calendar, dashboard, search, grid, cohort, and many more. #odoo15developmentvideos Video Contents ———————— 00:12 Introduction 00:40 Define a form #odoo15technicalvideos In this […]
In some cases, we need to add new business models or extend the already existing models. That can be done through custom modules, it defines particular models and fields inside it and also about its view. #odoodevelopmentvideos Video Contents ————————- 00:00 Introduction 00:25 Updating App List 01:23 Instaling Custom Module #odootutorials #installodoo Here In this […]
SQL constraints are used to specify rules for the data in a table. Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data in the table. #odoo15technicalvideos Video Contents ————————– 0:00 Introduction 0:36 Providing SQL constraints for a model If there […]