Units of Measures | Odoo Inventory – CBMS Odoo ERP

Units of Measures | Odoo Inventory – CBMS Odoo ERP

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Learn everything you need to grow your business with Odoo, the best management software to run a company at

In this video, learn how to use units of measures in Odoo Inventory.

Other lessons related to this video:
– Inventory Basics & Your First Warehouse Operations:
– Inventory Adjustment Technics:
– Integrate Landed Costs:
– Using Routes:
– Push & Pull Rules:
– Managing Lots:
– Managing Serial Numbers:
– Removal Strategies:
– Picking Methods:

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7 Comments on Units of Measures | Odoo Inventory – CBMS Odoo ERP

  1. avatar
    Anonymous says:

    Is it possible to use the same Unit of Measure for Purchases and Stock, and a Different one for Manufacturing (BoM)? I tried to do something like that and didn't work…
    Thanks in advance!

  2. avatar
    @rendiredona6990 says:

    I will do the customs provide on bonded logistic center Indonesia. But I have a problem where the uom on the invoice of origine country uses each while the actual size is the amount of weight as kilograms.
    So what is the meaning of "each" equivalent to kilograms?

  3. avatar
    @nxd-audiob.v.41 says:

    What if you have several vendors for the same product and they use different PUoM's?
    For instance vendor A sells a roll 250 and vendor B sells a roll 300. Once I received the products of vendor A I cannot change the PUoM to roll300 anymore. So how will the conversion go in order to get the correct quantity in cm's on stock?

    Thanks in advance for your answer.


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