Window Actions in Odoo 13 – CBMS Odoo ERP

Window Actions in Odoo 13 – CBMS Odoo ERP

1 minute, 29 seconds Read

Window actions (ir.actions.act_window) are the most common action types. It is used to present the visualization of the data models through different types of views. It gives instructions to the GUI client and is usually used by menu items or buttons in views.

Its fields are:
model to present views for
a list of (view_id, view_type) pairs. The second element of each pair is the category of the view (tree, form, graph, …) and the first is an optional database id (or False). If no id is provided, the client should fetch the default view of the specified type for the requested model (this is automatically done by fields_view_get()). The first type of the list is the default view type and will be open by default when the action is executed. Each view type should be present at most once in the list
res_id (optional)
if the default view is formed, specifies the record to load (otherwise a new record should be created)
search_view_id (optional)
(id, name) pair, id is the database identifier of a specific search view to load for the action. Defaults to fetching the default search view for the model
target (optional)
whether the views should be open in the main content area (current), in full-screen mode (fullscreen), or in a dialog/popup (new). Use main instead of current to clear the breadcrumbs. Defaults to current.
context (optional)
additional context data to pass to the views
domain (optional)
filtering domain to implicitly add to all view search queries
limit (optional)
a number of records to display in lists by default. Defaults to 80 in the web client

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