How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales

6 minutes, 4 seconds Read

The International Chamber of Commerce formulated a set of rules for several international sales contracts called Incoterms. It specifies the person responsible for managing insurance, payment, documentation, shipping, and customs clearances. In contrast, the services that customers choose when checking commodities are known as the Shipping method. According to customer requirements, it is easy to make reliable shipping procedures. You can manage the Incoterms and Shipping plans in a company’s sales by running an ERP software in your firm. Odoo 16 Sales module is an effective way of easily specifying incoterms in sales orders and shipment process.

This blog emphasizes you set up Incoterms and Shipping methods within the Odoo 16 Sales.

Users can apply different delivery methods on several orders by the customer for commodities. The shipping method feature in Odoo 16 is beneficial for managing delivery orders. Also, it is possible to display customer invoices or quotations within the Odoo 16 Sales module.

How to Apply Incoterms on a Sales Order in the Odoo 16?

Before adding incoterms details on a Sales order, you must enable the Incoterms feature in the Settings window. Click the Settings menu in Configuration and allow the Incoterms option in the Shipping section, as noted in the screenshot below.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

Users can display the incoterms on orders after activating the Incoterms feature. After the activation, select the SAVE icon in the Settings window, as shown in the above screenshot. Later, press the Incoterms icon, and you will be directed to the main page of Incoterms. We can access the record of all created Incoterms consisting of details such as Code and Name as described in the screenshot below.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

We can generate a unique Incoterm by choosing the CREATE button, as marked in the screenshot above. We can also apply a default incoterm available in the Odoo 16 when generating a Sales order. Next, let’s create a Quotation and specify the Incoterm on it. In the Sales Order window, press the CREATE button to define a recent one, as defined in the screenshot below.

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In the open screen, pick your customer and specify the last date on the Expiration field. You can apply product details by selecting the Add a product under the Order lines section.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

After choosing your product, select the Other Info tab in the Sales Orders page. Users can set predefined commercial terms available in international transactions using the Incoterm. Choose your specific Incoterm below the Delivery section of the Other Infor tab, as mentioned in the screenshot below.

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Here, we set the Incoterm as a FREE CARRIER for the sales order of the item. Furthermore, you can add the site of Incoterm within the Incoterm Location option, as denoted in the screenshot below.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

Click the Save manually icon after specifying the necessary data containing the Sales order. Hence, it is easy to define incoterms in a Quotation or Sales order for partners. 

To Define Shipping Methods in the Odoo 16 Sales

The cost and delivery method of a commodity to a customer is made easy with a shipping method. In a shipping method, we can define the transportation form of your carrier that ship your order. Move to the Settings menu in Sales and allow the Delivery Methods inside the Shipping section, as demonstrated in the screenshot below.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

Users can compute shipping charges on sales orders after activating the Delivery Methods option. Press the SAVE icon after enabling the specific feature from the Settings window. Next, we can develop a shipping method within the Odoo 16 Sales. Choose the Shipping Methods menu in the Configuration tab, and a new screen will be visible to you. We can obtain information about each shipping method, such as Provider, Countries, Delivery Method, and more. To describe a new shipping method, click the CREATE button, as marked in the screenshot below.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

In the new window, add the method of product delivery in the Shipping method field. We applied the Free Delivery shipping method for products as cited in the screenshot below.

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After choosing your Website, it is possible to restrict publishing on your selected Website. Also, set the provider as a Fixed price and choose your Company.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

We can add the commodity available for the Free delivery method inside the Delivery Product field. Specify the Delivery Product as Bolt and enter the Margin on Rate will be applied to shipping charges.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

Users can set free shipping for orders by activating the Free if the order amount is above. An Amount field appears before you after the activation and enters the order amount benefit for shipping. Customers can acquire free shipping if the cost is overhead or equal to the added amount.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

Below the pricing section, you can see the cost of added Delivery Product inside the Fixed Price field. After managing all data, click the save manually icon to activate the respective shipping method in Odoo 16 Sales.

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We can post the shipping method once selecting the Unpublished smart button in the Shipping Methods window.

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Later, the shipping method changed from Unpublished to Published, as portrayed in the screenshot below.

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Let’s see how to apply the created delivery method to a sales Quotation. You can access the Quotations inside the Orders tab and press the CREATE icon.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

On the new screen, select the Customer as Anita Oliver, and the Delivery/Invoice address of the partner is automatically visible to you. Add the order’s start date in a Quotation Date field and apply the expiry date on Expiration as illustrated in the screenshot below.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

Pick the specific currency related to your order in the Pricelist field. Afterward, set the costing terms for a chosen item in the Payment Terms option.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

Here, we apply payment transactions based on two months. Next, select your product Screw after pressing the Add a product within the Order Lines tab, as noted in the screenshot above. After choosing the product, click the ADD SHIPPING icon at the right end of the Order Lines tab.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

Add a Shipping Method window opens before the user clicks on the ADD SHIPPING icon. Select your created delivery method Free Delivery in the Shipping Method option. The respective cost concerning the Free Delivery method is visible automatically in the Cost field.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

Click the ADD icon to run the specific shipping method for your commodity. Users can access the shipping charge information below the Order Lines tab after selecting the ADD icon.

How to Set up Incoterms & Shipping methods in Odoo 16 Sales-cybrosys

If you need to make any extra charges to the shipping price, press the UPDATE SHIPPING COST button. The shipping details about the quotation are saved manually and confirmed to proceed with your Sales quotation. So, it is easy to create a sales quotation based on a shipping method for an item. 

The management of incoterms and delivery methods of products/services in a company is made easy using the Odoo 16 Sales application. We can attain customer satisfaction for commodities in a company by providing reliable shipping processes and incoterm services to a client or vendor. It leads to improvise business development and achievement in the market.

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