Odoo 14 eCommerce

Odoo 14 eCommerce

5 minutes, 25 seconds Read

E-commerce has been booming as the main source of business operations for every company in this era of digitalization. The sales in the commerce of the company have been provisioning more profits hence the management needs to be efficient and secure. The Odoo platform which is one of the best business management software available has an efficient e-commerce management aspect that will help the companies. The Odoo 14 e-commerce module is advanced and well equipped with features that help the user to manage the entire e-commerce operations efficiently.

This blog will provide detail about

Features of Odoo e-commerce:

    – Design and configure your own e-commerce website using the various editing options which can be accessed from the front end as well as the back end of the e-commerce website such as online form builder, snippet tools, multiple e-commerce website management, professional themes, and many more
    – Integrated tools to boost sales such as promotional and coupon programs, cross-selling, upselling, and many more.
    – Shopping experience enhancement tools such as live chat, customer onboarding, user and guest support tools, wish list product comparison tool, and many more.
    – Payment and shipping methods help the user to integrate advanced shipping methods and payment terminologies
    – Billing and accounting aspects of e-commerce help the user to establish advanced financial and invoicing operations to the e-commerce platform.

E-commerce dashboard

The e-commerce dashboard of the website module will provide the user with analytical quantitative reports in the form of graphs on e-commerce operations. These reports can be generated using various parameters available and the ones which can be customized.


The user can also access another tab from the e-commerce module called the analytics tab displaying the configured details upon connection with google analytics.


Google Analytics is an additional option where the user can provide the tracking and client ID for being used along with the platform.


To know more about the tracking ID generations the user can select the external link available.


Google analytics option can be enabled and configured in the website settings menu.


Order tracking

The orders of the e-commerce platform can be viewed from the orders menu


In the new order creation window, the user can allocate the customer details, invoicing, and price list details.


Abandoned carts

The abandoned carts by the customer can be auto informed using emails which can be configured in the settings menu of the website module. Here under the abandoned carts, the user can provide an email template and the duration after which it should be sent to the customer after abandoning the cart.


On selecting the external links for the email the user can edit the email template and save it.



The customer menu will display all the customer information being described in the platform.


Product management

All the product management operations can be conducted on this menu.

Add a product

Adding a product can be done from the product menu where all the products described are listed out there is an option to create a new one.


The product details can be provided on the menu and the ones needed to be edited can be selected from the product menu.



The pricelist operations of Odoo will allow the users to create and operate the operations of product pricing based on different price lists available. The advance of using multiple pricelists in the company will allow the user to sell the products at different pricing based on the different attributes and parameters of operations.
The price list in Odoo can be set up by considering various attribute of general pricing such as
    – Product demand
    – Quantity
    – Economy
    – Delivery aspects
    – Taxes of the locality
    – Competitions
    – Period of development
And many more aspects of the company.

The price list option configurable can be chosen as multiple pricelists for a product or on advanced pricing rules.


The Pricelist menu can be accessed from the configuration tab or from the pricing menu of the settings module.


The price list can be created for a product from the menu.


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Promotions and Coupon programs

Promotions and coupon programs are unavoidable aspects of a sales operation that can be configured from the settings menu of the module.


On enabling the promotions and coupons option the user should save the settings menu. The user can create new promotional and settings programs by selecting the respective menu icon available in the settings menu. In the window the name and the various contains associated with the program can be defined.


Payment acquires

As Odoo is one of the advanced management which supports the user with external devices and software integration the Odoo also supports various payment acquisitions to be used in the platform too. The various payment gateways of operations can be configured under the payment-acquired menu accessible from the configuration menu.


The user can create new payment acquirers to be operational under the payments acquire menu. In the window, the payments acquirers name, state, and configuration options can be defined.


Shipping methods

Learn How to Setup Shipping Methods in Odoo  14 

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The various shipping methods with the shopping connectors defined such as FedEx, DHL, and more can be configured for operations in Odoo. The various shipping methods are depicted in the shipping methods menu accessible from the configuration tab. The user can create various shipping methods and allocate the pricing rule of operations in Odoo.


Ecommerce categories

The products in e-commerce can be described as categories for classification and it can be done under the e-commerce category menu accessible from the configuration tab.


The new e-commerce categories can be created by providing the name of the new category and the parent category associated with it. In addition, the user can edit or remove product categories from the same window.


The e-commerce module of the platform is capable of managing all the e-commerce operations additionally provided advanced settings to manage the operations as per the user demands.

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