Product Availability in Odoo 14 eCommerce

Product Availability in Odoo 14 eCommerce

3 minutes, 49 seconds Read

The eCommerce operations of accompanying should be strictly based on inventory operations. The availability of the product should be depicted on the e-commerce website and it should be based on the availability in the inventory. The e-commerce websites should not depict unavailable products as available ones and vice versa. This leads to dramatic issues with the customer, therefore, ruining the business. So the companies should be of utmost careful in describing the product information on e-commerce websites.
The e-commerce operation is popular all around the world in the wake of the century due to the digitalization aspects and the advancements in telecommunications technology around the world. The management aspects of e-commerce operations are done with automated tools and business management software. The Odoo ERP is used by 5 million+ customers across the world to satisfy their business needs. Operating from a single platform and a centralized database Odoo has a modular structure with a designated e-commerce module of operations.
In addition, the platform also has centralized database management and storage along with centralized inventory management. This would ensure that the ones described in the inventory are exactly depicted in the e-commerce websites, POS interface, and the wholesale operations of the company. Moreover, various other advanced options will allow users to describe e-commerce and inventory operations as per their own needs.

This blog will provide an insight into how the product availability option works in the Odoo 14 e-commerce operations

The availability option in Odoo works in the following manner, with the four default options available to choose from. These can be chosen from the availability option from the odoo eCommerce tab of the product description menu. One this to be sure that the PoS operations are enabled for the respective product for the availability option to appear.
    –  Sell regardless of inventory
    –  Show inventory on the website and prevent sales if not enough stock
    –  Show inventory below a threshold and prevent sales if not enough stock
    –  Show product-specific notifications


Sell regardless of Inventory
The option will allow the e-commerce platform to depict the availability without prior consideration of the stock. That is if the units available are null the product in the e-commerce will depict available.
Show inventory on the website and prevent sales if not enough stock
This option allows the user to depict the stock in numbers on the e-commerce website and would prevent sales if null units are present. It would depict temporary out-of-stock if the products are not available.


Show product-specific notifications
The user can choose the product-specific notifications option available on which a custom-made message can be described which would be depicted in the e-commerce website.


The custom-made message can be described for specific products and can be customized at any instance of operations.


Show inventory below a threshold and prevent sales if not enough stock

By choosing this option the stock is shown below a certain threshold which limit can be set regardless of its availability above the number. Once below the threshold, the respective number is depicted and at zero stock the sales are prevented. Moreover, this option can be used to be operational if the user does not want bulk orders to come in due to the abundant availability

Comments and rating

The Odoo platform recognizes the need for feedback for a product in a company and allows the user of the platform to configure the comments and rating options likewise any other e-commerce website used by you. The comments and rating options can be enabled in the font end of the e-commerce website byte user under the customize tab available.


Once the option is enabled the user can scroll down the product description and find the respective rating and comments sections available. The ratings are depicted based on the stars given by the customers. In addition, there is a column to add in a descriptive comment along with a rating of the product for the customers. Moreover, they can add an external file to support their comment


The comments provided by each customer are described under the product and are depicted in orderly chronological order. The user can view that the visible option is enabled with the comets making it variable to all the website visitors.


On seeing the visible option the user can change the settings to be employees only making the respective comment to be visible only for the employees of the company.


Also Read:  Odoo 14 eCommerce
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