In this video, we’ll guide you through the Return for Exchange feature in Odoo 18. This powerful tool helps businesses efficiently manage product returns and exchanges, ensuring a smooth experience for both companies and customers. What You’ll Learn: ✨ 🔹 How to process a return for exchange in Odoo 18 📦 How to track returned […]
The “Save for Later” feature in Odoo 18 allows customers to temporarily store products or services they are interested in purchasing but are not ready to commit to buying immediately. This feature serves several purposes: Benefits for Customers: – Product Reminder: Customers can easily find products they liked previously, without having to search through the […]
Odoo 18 Accounting provides a comprehensive loan management system that allows you to effectively track and manage loans within your organization. Here are the key features and functionalities of loan management in Odoo 18 Accounting: 1. Loan Creation and Management: – Create new loans with detailed information such as loan amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, […]
Odoo offers several ways to work with HTML, depending on your specific needs and the module you’re using. Here’s a breakdown: 1. HTML/CSS Editor: – Provides a dedicated tool for advanced customization of your website’s appearance. – Allows direct editing of HTML and CSS code. – Offers a code editor interface for precise control over […]
The “Buy Now” feature in Odoo 17 Website Module simplifies the checkout process for customers who know exactly what they want to buy. This can enhance customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business. By eliminating the need to add items to the cart and potentially get distracted by other products, the “Buy Now” feature can help reduce […]
Security each employee [set discount, edit price ….] – supported module POS Human Resource Buy it: #Odoo #Limited #Feature #Employee
In this video we will be discussing on how to implement an Many2Many relational field in odoo17.Learn the syntax, configuration, and practical applications of Many2Many fields for seamless data management. Ideal for developers and ERP enthusiasts seeking to enhance their Odoo skills. #Odoo17 #OdooTips #OdooCommunity #odootutorials #odoo17features #odoo17release #odoo17development #many2many #relationalfield #developmenttutorial #odoodevelopment Connect With […]
Autoplan is a new feature in Odoo 17 planning application.Generally refers to the ability to automatically generate schedules, resource allocations, and other planning-related tasks. #odoo17 #odoofeatures #odootutorials Connect With Us: ————————————— ➡️ Website: ➡️ Email: ➡️ Twitter: ➡️ LinkedIn: ➡️ Facebook: ➡️ Instagram: ➡️ Pinterest: #Odoo #Feature #Autoplan #Feature #Set #Autoplan #Odoo #Odoo #Videos
Reordering from a portal typically refers to the process where customers or clients use an online portal or platform to place repeat orders for products or services they’ve previously purchased. This approach simplifies the ordering process, especially for items that customers regularly need. #odoowebsite #odoo16 #odoofunctionalvideos Connect With Us: ————————————— ➡️ Website: ➡️ Email: […]
Hand raise is a new feature in odoo 17 Discuss application. This would allow the participants of the meeting to raise hand in a meeting. #odoo17 #odoofunctionalvideos #odoo17videos #odoo17tutorials Connect With Us: ————————————— ➡️ Website: ➡️ Email: ➡️ Twitter: ➡️ LinkedIn: ➡️ Facebook: ➡️ Instagram: ➡️ Pinterest: #Feature #Odoo #Discuss #App #Hand #Raise #Odoo […]