What’s new in Odoo 16 CRM?

What’s new in Odoo 16 CRM?

Why are businesses promoted? For what use? What is the purpose of companies taken? The firm stands for the grand slam of customer support. No business stands alone without customer support. Therefore customers are the pillars or eye-catching part of a business. For a company to move with spontaneous and smooth management, they need to improvise with a rapport with the customers. To handle your customers effectively, you need to provide them with a cordial relationship among them. An effective ERP can maintain your business with customers and can filter out the potential customers in your business that can modulate your business development.

An Overview of Odoo 16 CRM

In Odoo 16, the CRM module brings up exclusive features in its latest upgradation. Undoubtedly, effective ERP can pave the way for significant business growth by popularizing the customers and rebuilding an effective relationship with them. With Odoo 16, you can enhance your business under a single point of control. Odoo 16 is an effective ERP tool that automates your business management and improves customer relationship activities.
With the Odoo 16, you can reduce your data entry work and automates your customer relationship activities with improvised functionalities. You can organize your activities in a pipeline mode, ensure your activities and close your business with proper enhancements. Odoo CRM makes your business activities up-to-date and serves your customers without any delay. It ensures quality feedback in your business and provides more potential with potential customers and leads. Odoo cannot compromise its activities and cannot be replaced with another ERP for business enhancement and promotion in a single shed that controls all your activities. Odoo 16, in its advanced edition, has launched with a new design and much clarity with a new backend that deals with better onboarding and visibility, a new front-end design, new features for email marketing, a new layout for the pay now email notifications, multi-company and multi-domain and servers adding, wide facility in social networking for tweeting and quotes.
This blog entails a detailed description of Odoo 16 features and its utilities in your customer relationship management activities.

Features of Odoo 16 CRM

Closes and Sells Fastly

Modern Intuitive User Interface
With the help of a modern, intuitive user interface, you can organize your activities in a pipeline. You can close your sales report with potential leads. You will be redirected to a Dashboard with a redesigned framework where you can overview the sales activities. You will be getting useful tips and be able to deploy your CRM.
Mobile-friendly interface
You can tap your mobile, use the interface anywhere, and work it accordingly.
Reduce data entry
With new instructed email marketing features, you can deploy email quotes quickly to your customers and generate leads efficiently. Manage VoIP calls with a single click if you have illustrated the customer’s contact details. You can also manage your pipeline by arranging the side of the prospective lead aside for straightforward dealing.

Leads and Lead Generation

Lead generation
You can create your leads by creating campaigns automatically and can valid emails with the leads with a few clicks.
Importing leads
You can import the prospective leads with the matching column and place them in the right corner.
Detecting the GeoIP
You can detect or access the GeoIP of the leads formed by getting the visitor’s IP address. You will be able to know the address included from which place, e.g., state, country, city, etc.
Provide Deduplication
You can merge and convert the preposition of leads that leads to an opportunity—automatically creating the contacts based on the leads generated by deduplication.
Optimizing call to action
We are optimizing five call-to-actions of Odoo with the a/b testing tool.
Online Acquisition and Social Marketing tool
You will be getting more than 30 marketing apps to boost your leads with the online acquisition from your website, including the social marketing tools to tweet and quote the various tasks, and you will be developing your leads.
Promote Live chat facilities and calling options
Activating live chat facilities and calling options nearby each leads procured and converting your visitors into leads. You can also define rules for your key countries or pages.
Assignation Rules
Enabling and assigning the leads to your sales team or sales person to the right person and tracking the leads based on quotas and segments.
Access URL Trackers
Track and access the source of the leads using the UTM trackers with your marketing campaigns.

Performing Opportunities

Activities and Call Management
Arrange the order of the activities based on the opportunity. With Odoo 16 CRM, you can schedule the activities for your sales team members and log the activities in the opportunity chatter with predefined actions. With this feature, the authority of the head can track, analyze and log the activities of the team.
Customize the heads of stages
You can additionally add the heads of stages with your customizing feature and provide the pipeline in a well-structured manner.
Coordinate the next actions
With the pipeline and activities based on the opportunities with the predefined actions, you can plan your actions and coordinate them with the necessary steps.
Log calls and schedule meetings with Odoo
You can trigger quickly the VoIP calls with the customers and Odoo provides automatically an action necessary after the call. You can also schedule the meetings with the opportunities with the customer sync with mobile and the Google calendar.
All-Round visibility (360°)
You can visible the whole page on one page on the opportunity page: the webpage visitor, emails, meetings, preceding orders, next actions, etc.
Lost reasons for your opportunities
You can even analyze the lost reasons in your Odoo 16 CRM why the opportunities are left and lost and track and analyze the reasons.


Multi-address with multi-domain and servers
In your customer entry with Odoo 16 CRM, you can enter multi-address with multi-domain and servers so that you can have contact with multi individuals in that customer organization and have a deal with them. You can get track of the full history of the organization. With the CRM you can enhance your orders, quotations, and sales orders with the organization can be analyzed.

Effective Communication

New Email templates and prompt Email messages
As in the Odoo 16, you will be able to enable a feature of new templates in email marketing and you can have quick access for sending prompt email messages to your customers. You can allow the feature of adding new templates while sending prompt email messages. You can also enhance prompt gateways to adequate customer leads opportunities.
Instant or manual VoIP calls
You can provide a dial queue with the corresponding opportunities or leads approached with the responded customer leads. You can either call them automatically or manually with the customer leads. An automatic pop-up window is formed while the call is generated which is integrated with the VoIP server. If the customer reschedules the calls you can generate an email quickly with the icon placed near it and have a message to them. By opening the customer form you can automate the log calls and generate the emails as per the actions necessary you can serve next-to-action.


Analytical Reports and Graphical Representations Reports
You will be getting detailed reports of the customer report as well as the sales team work report detailed of your team and you can analyze the performance of the team members. In the Odoo 16 Dashboard, you will be able to find the predefined reports in all kinds of forms eg: spreadsheets, pivot tables, pie diagrams, etc, and you will be getting any form of views or analytical reports as per the filters you include. Here in Odoo 16, you will be able to send the reports to your co-members and your crews can understand their performance status easily. It is an advanced improvised feature that is now updated by the Odoo 16. And in some vice-versa, you will be able to get the reports separately in different views such as dashboard, pivot, list, and graphical analysis.
Since the Odoo CRM is powerful API-integrated software it can be integrated and connected with other software and easily automates lead creation with many marketing apps sales modules, Inventory modules, email marketing URL trackers, etc. It even enhances sending messages through social media marketing and generates leads by sending tweets and quotes through different channels.


By concluding this blog, you will be able to understand that Odoo 16 is growing in advance and with Odoo CRM you can boost your business adequately without piercing a bountiful amount of stress. And thus Odoo just runs your business within a few clicks and makes easier your business without steering ample tension. You can stack up your business within a fraction of a second and immensely high growth and maintain it without any stress. You will be able to calculate your works in a digital medium where you need not manually adjust its regularity.

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