Resupply from Warehouse in Odoo 12

Resupply from Warehouse in Odoo 12

A company can have multiple warehouses. The products from one warehouse can be resupplied from another one. Odoo facilitates with an option to resupply goods and raw materials from other warehouses. This will be done when goods are not available in one warehouse. This process is pretty easy with the odoo inventory module. Some configuration must be done to do so.

Don’t forget to enable multi-step routing and multiple warehouse option in setting. This setting also helps you to manage different routes and locations in your warehouse.

Goto -> Inventory -> Configuration -> settings -> enable multi-step routes and muti warehouse  

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Let’s take an example:

Your company has two warehouses, YourCompany and My Company, Chicago. The main warehouse is YourCompany and My Company, Chicago is a subsidiary. 


When goods are not available in My Company, Chicago warehouse, it’ll be resupplied from YourCompany warehouse. So the resupply option in the subsidiary warehouse must be resupply from the main warehouse.

Go to -> Inventory -> Configuration -> Odoo Warehouse -> Check Buy to resupply, manufacture to resupply and choose the corresponding warehouse from where you want to resupply.


You can see three resupply options. 

Manufacture to resupply: An option to resupply raw materials from another warehouse.

Buy to resupply: Buy products to resupply or raw materials to resupply.

Resupply from: From which warehouse want to resupply products.

When you are creating a sale order from the subsidiary warehouse, the product’s route must be set as resupply from which warehouse.


Shipping must be done from the subsidiary warehouse in the sale order.


On confirming the sale order, three transfers will be created.

One: Main warehouse delivery

Two: Subsidiary warehouse receipt

Three: Subsidiary warehouse delivery


Firstly, we must validate the delivery from the main warehouse, ie delivery from YourCompany. Once it’s confirmed you can validate receipt to the subsidiary warehouse, ie receipt of My Company Chicago. Finally, delivery from subsidiary warehouse ie delivery from My Company Chicago.


The resupply method is pretty cool and easy with odoo Inventory management. Inventory from the main warehouse will be deducted, and easy to manage.

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