How to Create & Publish a Blog in Odoo 17 Website | Odoo 17 Functional Tutorials | Odoo 17 Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

How to Create & Publish a Blog in Odoo 17 Website | Odoo 17 Functional Tutorials | Odoo 17 Videos – CBMS Odoo ERP

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Odoo 17 isn’t just about managing inventory or streamlining sales – it can also be a powerful platform for crafting and sharing your expertise through a built-in blog. Here’s a comprehensive guide to get you started with creating and publishing engaging blog content in Odoo 17:

1. Setting the Stage: Blog Creation

Access the Website App: Start by navigating to the Website app within your Odoo 17 dashboard.
Activate the Blog Feature: If it’s your first time, you’ll need to activate the blog functionality. Go to Configuration — Settings and enable the Website Blog option.

2. Crafting Your Blog Post:

Create a New Post: Within the Website app, head over to the Content menu and select Blog Posts. Click the Create button to begin writing your first post.
Title & Subtitle: Capture your reader’s attention with a clear and concise title. A well-crafted subtitle can further elaborate on your post’s focus.
Content Composition: Odoo 17 offers a user-friendly text editor for composing your blog post. You can format text, add images, and even embed videos to enhance your content.
Categorization: Organize your blog by assigning relevant categories to each post. This helps readers find content that interests them and improves searchability.
Tags (Optional): Include relevant keywords as tags to further categorize your post and improve search engine optimization (SEO).
Author Details: Let your readers know who’s behind the blog! You can configure author information within the Website — Configuration — Users menu.

3. The Power of Publication:

Saving Your Work: Don’t forget to regularly save your drafts as you write.
Scheduling (Optional): Odoo allows you to schedule your blog post for future publication. This is perfect for pre-planning your content calendar.
Publishing: Once your post is polished and ready to go, click the Publish button. Now, your valuable insights are live for the world to see!

4. Managing Your Blog:

Blog Post Overview: The Blog Posts menu within the Content section provides an overview of your published and draft blog posts.
Editing & Deleting: Need to make changes or remove a post? You can easily edit or delete existing blog posts through this menu.
Optimizing for Search Engines (SEO): While Odoo offers basic SEO features, consider exploring additional modules for advanced SEO optimization to improve your blog’s visibility in search engine results.

5. Sharing Your Voice:

Social Media Integration: Promote your blog posts by sharing them on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Email Marketing: Consider integrating your blog with email marketing tools to notify subscribers about new posts and keep them engaged.
By following these steps and leveraging Odoo 17’s user-friendly interface, you can establish a thriving blog that showcases your expertise, attracts new customers, and positions your business as a thought leader in your industry. Remember, consistency is key! Regularly publish high-quality content to build a loyal readership and establish your blog as a valuable resource.

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  1. avatar
    @C_pahi says:

    I currently own my website under "one app free" plan , so would we need to install separate app for blogs ? if yes ,then will it move my database from the free model to Subscription based model ?

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