Cash Rounding in Odoo 17 POS | Odoo 17 POS | Odoo 17 Functional Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Cash Rounding in Odoo 17 POS | Odoo 17 POS | Odoo 17 Functional Tutorials – CBMS Odoo ERP

Odoo Point of Sale (POS) has a built-in feature for cash rounding to streamline transactions and reduce the need for exact change. Here’s how it works:

What is Cash Rounding?

Cash rounding rounds the total bill amount of a sale to the nearest denomination (e.g., nearest five cents, ten cents) suitable for cash payments. This eliminates the hassle of dealing with small changes for customers and cashiers.

Enabling Cash Rounding in Odoo POS

There are two configuration steps:

Enable Cash Rounding Globally:

Go to Point of Sale — Configuration — Settings.
Activate the Cash Rounding checkbox.
Click Save.
Configure Cash Rounding for a Specific POS:

Go to Point of Sale — Configuration — Point of Sale.
Open the POS you want to configure.
Enable the Cash Rounding option.
Define the Rounding Method (explained below). You can create a new method or edit an existing one.
Defining the Rounding Method

Rounding Method: This determines how the rounding happens. Odoo POS offers three options:

Round UP: Always round the total up to the nearest denomination.
Round DOWN: Always round the total down to the nearest denomination.
Half UP: Rounds up if the decimal part is greater than 0.5, otherwise rounds down (e.g., $4.50 rounds up to $5, $4.49 rounds down to $4).
Rounding Precision: This sets the minimum amount for rounding. For instance, if set to 0.05 (five cents), any amount ending with a decimal less than 0.05 will round down to the nearest whole number.

Profit Account & Loss Account: These accounts record the difference arising from rounding. If rounding up benefits the company (extra cash collected), the profit account stores that amount. Conversely, the loss account stores any customer benefit (amount rounded down).

Using Cash Rounding

Once configured, when a customer pays in cash and the total amount has a decimal part, Odoo POS will automatically round it based on your settings. The customer will see the rounded amount on the receipt.

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